Post Penguin SEO Link Building
Being in a rush to get your site to the top of Google was always likely to lead to disaster. But in the post Penguin world we live in, that mind-set will see you pour all your link building efforts down the drain. If you’re not up to speed on what Penguin is and the impact it’s had on internet marketing and link building in particular, here’s a quick summary.
Every now and then Google likes to keep webmasters on their toes by updating the way it calculates how to rank websites in its search results. Penguin is one of a number of profound updates of the last couple of years. In particular, Penguin operates by assessing the link profile of your website or blog.
Lost? The essence of your link profile of your website’s incoming links, is the anchor text .
An example will make it easier to understand if you’re a novice webmaster. Let’s suppose your website is url is www.redspottedscarves.com. Before Penguin struck it was considered best practice for any anchor text to be made up of your main key words. Examples here would include ‘red spotted scarves’ and ‘spotted red scarves’. In Google’s eyes the problem with this is that while links are desirable, links that try to manipulate the search engines are not. A link profile made up mostly of a small number of keywords for each url simply looks unnatural.
This means that post-Penuin Google wants to see a more natural looking set of links. This means varying the anchor text or even omitting it altogether. Therefore in the example above, you could just use http://www.redspottedscarves.com. This style, omits the anchor text altogether. Likewise longer variations on red spotted scarves would be OK. Options might include: ‘where to buy red spotted scarves’, ‘silk red spotted scarves’, or ‘some of my favourite red scarves’.
The point of all this is to underline that diverse links are now essential. Exact match keywords are out.
Penguin has received widespread publicity. But that doesn’t mean every link building service is paying attention. Throwing money at a link building service that fails to act on new information could cost you very dearly. Link building is still central to Google’s approach to ranking websites but it now requires you work harder on getting the right kind of links.
It’s not my intention to frighten you. But here’s the truth. If you rely purely on SEO and spammy links you’ll find your site will be put back to the end of the line. Meaning you risk losing Page Rank and being de-indexed. This isn’t just my view. It’s a fact that Google has mass clear outs of low quality blog networks and sites. Once you lose Google’s trust it’s hard to win it back again and many people give up on heavily penalized domains and start again.
The best way forward? Quality rather than quantity must guide your link building efforts. Look for transparent link building services. You must understand how links are being built or you risk losing control. Worse than that you risk having the reset button pressed on the investment you’ve made in your site.