Using Pinterest to its full potential
Whether you’re just starting out or have a business that’s growing by the minute, it is always a good idea to keep track of where your customers are coming from. Using Pinterest is a great way to showcase your products and interact with potential customers, but are you using it to its full potential?
Where to Start
Adding quality images to neat boards with highly engaging descriptions is the best way to start. You need to make sure your company name or website is evident, usually by including a direct link to your website once someone clicks on your pin. Adding keywords is also important – after all, your customers are more likely to find you if you add popular keywords leading back to your products.
Google Analytics
If you have your own website, this is a great way to keep track of your site visitors and, even more importantly, how many of those are being directed there via Pinterest. Google Analytics is free to set up and allows you to set up a tracking code using the Traffic Sources option in your account, which will then track where your visitors are coming from.
Pinterest Analytics
Using this feature is a simple way of keeping up to date with your pins and who is accessing them. You can see which of your images potential customers have pinned from the website using the Most Recent tab, which makes it easy to choose who to interact with. Just by commenting with stock information or suggesting similar products to those who pin your images ensures that you will have a higher reach due to the extra people who will see it. Taking advantage of the notification tab will also help you to see who is liking, commenting, repinning and following, which allows you to interact with those showing an interest in your products more efficiently.
The Most Repinned tab in Pinterest Analytics is also a great resource. It helps you to see which of your products is the most popular, meaning that you know exactly what your target audience is interested in. This allows you to add similar items based on your products with a high repin rate.
Pinterest Site Metrics
Although it sounds complicated, using this feature can be simple and provides valuable information to help you plan what to pin next. You can find it under the same Most Recent tab as Pinterest Analytics, however it provides a much more in depth analysis. You can not only see how many people saw your pin, you can see how many times it has appeared in news feeds or search results, which will the give you an idea of whether your descriptions and keywords are sufficient.
Using these tools can help you generate more sales and gain insight into where these leads are coming from. Once you are able to use Pinterest effectively, you will wonder what you ever did without it.